Updates from the Studio

While it has been a trying year, I remain thankful for all of the professional opportunities that have emerged from the virtual social space necessitated by the pandemic. I’ve taught workshops for McColl Center and Atlanta Photography Group, Zoomed into classes across the country for artist talks, and recorded segments for podcasts. All from the comfort of my home studio.

And I’ll be honest - I did not feel creative for much of 2020. I spent my time in survival mode. Obsessed with keeping my family safe and strategizing a variety of contingency plans in case I lost my job, creating work was far from my mind. But things are changing: I’m deep into research for my next two major photography projects, working on a publishing deal for Book #3, about to begin fieldwork for the second edition of Waffle House Vistas, and thinking seriously about a suite of paintings and accompanying woodblock prints that I want to make. It has been a while since I smelled of paint thinner, but I have the itch.

So stay tuned. It is going to be a busy second half of 2021 and I’ll be sharing it on social.
